The BC Watershed Security Coalition, a non-partisan, diverse coalition of over 50 organizations, made up of community water experts and leaders in the field, including farmers, Indigenous champions, local governments, and representing 255,000 British Columbians from all walks of life.
This Coalition has come together out of the recognition that, in every region of this province, healthy watersheds are fundamental to human health, security, prosperity and reconciliation.
Our vision is more prosperous communities, healthier people, cleaner water, restored salmon runs, and authentic and enduring partnerships between First Nations and non-Indigenous British Columbians.
As a non-Indigenous led coalition, any statement or policy position coming from the Coalition does not speak for Indigenous Peoples.
Steering Committee
Coree Tull - Chair
BC Water Legacy
Jesse Zeman
BC Wildlife Federation
Tim Morris
BC Water Legacy
Dave Zehnder
Cattle Rancher
Roberta Webster
Rivershed Society of BC
Zita Botelho
Watersheds BC
Tricia Brett
Local Government Advisor
Aaron Hill
Watershed Watch Salmon Society
Elizabeth Hendricks
WWF Canada
Coalition Members
Knowledge Council
Members of the BC Watershed Security Coalition’s Knowledge Council serve as an informal group of knowledge holders that provide input and advice to the Coalition’s steering committee and secretariat. The Knowledge Council plays a critical role in guiding the vision, values and shared priorities of the Coalition and ensuring its activities are informed by a deep and diverse pool of knowledge and expertise.
- Oliver Brandes, POLIS at UVIC
- Neil Fletcher, BC Wildlife Federation
- Leanne Sexsmith, REFBC
- Deana Machin, Indigenous Watersheds Initiative
- Coree Tull, BC Water Legacy, Chair & Lead, GR & Community Engagement
- Tim Morris, BC Water Legacy, Lead Policy & Communications
- Shannon Nickerson, MakeWay
- Claudia Ferris, Production Magic
- Miki Eslake, Rivershed Society of BC